This program helps young muslim to play an active role and become leader in the future of our global village. Immersion program brings together of Jakarta Islamic School students (JISc, JIBBS and JIGSc) into a unique combined of english-immersion program in perth Australia or Turkiye, Amsterdam and Paris within Islamic environment and guidance.
This program is designed to (i) improve english competency, (ii) benchmark academic performance and (iii) improve islamic attitude, behaviour & understanding core principles as well as (iv) life skills; of participating students.
Apart from that, this program offers young muslim a rare recreational experience.
The whole program is really a unique ever of a blending english-academic-islamic-as well as recreational values one that will be an unforgottable memories lasting a lifetime!
Find New Experience..
Find New Friends..
Let’ join us
For Further Information
Call Center : 0818-866-478
Instagram : http://bit.ly/IG_JISC
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